作者Norbu Jamtsho在一九九六年生於農村家庭,父親有五子二女,母親有六子二女,從數字可見家庭問題,他的母親在丈夫死後再嫁,再生一子。
作者父親因工傷腳,因家境清貧沒去醫院,拖延一段時間後死亡。如果他有錢醫治,應可活下去。他的母親再婚後搬去另一條村,離棄他們,讓作者像孤兒似的生活。幸好讀書成績優異,校長和老師願意幫助他,尤其是從加拿大到不丹義務教學的老師,出錢出力的幫助他出版這本英文書Lights in the Darkness。
To Learn Blogging:
Norbu Jamtsho, a class ten student from Pema Gatshel has so much to teach us in his short novel Lights in the Darkness. It’s not a story of various fantasies that we can expect from a writer of his age. It’s a candidly heart-wrenching story of him.
He has lost his father when he was at primary school. His mother has left to different place with another man. The responsibilities to look after cows, keep the fire in kitchen burning and most importantly to parent his younger siblings fell on him. We can say that life indeed has forced him to grow ahead of his biological clock’s time.