美國有生產商為顧客提供朱古力之餘,還奉上情詩一首,每張包裝紙都印首情詩。朱古力和愛情原本就接近,這樣的包裝還讓情詩普及起來。從來沒有詩人寫詩發達,連李白、杜甫和莎士比亞都不可以,不少詩人甚至沒有留下名字,中文稱為佚名,英文是Anonymous或Unknown Author。以下的詩是我食完朱古力看見的,作者佚名。「古狗」一下,才知頗為流行,還有人唸出來的。
If You But Knew
If you but knew
How all my days seemed
filled with dreams of you
How sometimes in the silent night
Your eyes thrill through me
with their tender light,
How you, 'mid other forms I seek--
Oh, love more real than though
such dreams were true
If you but knew.
Could you but guess
How you alone make all my happiness,
How I am more willing for your sake
To stand alone, give all and nothing take,
Nor chafe to think me bound while you are free
Quite free , till death, to love you silently,
Could you but guess.
Could you but learn
How when you doubt my truth I sadly yearn
To tell you all, to stand for one brief space
Unfettered, soul to soul, as face to face,
To crown you queen, My queen, till life shall end,
My lover and likewise my truest friend,
Would you love me, dearest, as fondly in return,
Could you but learn?